Our church’s vision is to build a community to reach a community. Our neighbors, co-workers, family and friends, those known and unknown, seen and unseen…the marginalized, oppressed, displaced, rejected, outcast and downcast…we are called to care for them ALL. As Christ has loved us, we are to love others in His name without conditions or clauses and there are many ways for you and your family to participate with us in that endeavor!
We have been partnering with Barclay Elementary to provide much needed food for families in need in Bucks County. Every age is welcomed to help us prep food for distribution and anyone can donate via the yellow boxes in front of church offices. We have volunteer opportunities September - June for anyone of any age or ability.
CLICK HERE to volunteer to pack or deliver food.
Much needed non-perishable items include: Canned Fish, Canned Poultry, Nut Butters, Jellies, Cereal, Oatmeal, Canned Vegetables, Canned Fruit, Rice, Grains, Canned Beans, Dried Beans, Fruit Snacks, Granola & Granola Bars, Pasta, Noodles, Sauces, Soups, Nuts & Seeds, Jerky, Protein Bars, Freeze Dried Fruits.
This ministry provides legal and spiritual aid, addressing such issues as injustice and poverty in partnership with existing ministries, where those services are most needed in the Philadelphia area.
Worthwhile Wear's mission is to reach and restore women affected by human trafficking. They work in three parts:
1. Connecting survivors with programs specifically designed fror women who have experienced sexual trauma, exploitation, trafficking, or prostitution.
2. Providing safe housing with access to counseling, mentorship, life skills training, personal budgeting, and more.
3. Worthwhile Thrift Stores provide employment to the women in this program and prepares them for job application for long-term success.
The good news of God’s grace and forgiveness in Jesus impacts us from the inside out, and moves us in ever-increasing circles of concern for our neighbor, our nation and our world. Our Global Mission works through personal relationships with people who are taking the message and mercy of Jesus beyond the borders of our congregation into other parts of the United States and around the world.
One of the signs of a healthy church is that some of its members rise up to become fulltime, vocational missionaries. We are pleased to support these home-grown and outside partners!
• Pete & Sarah Lyon RUF - Christopher Newport University
• Lindsay Kimball Serge Global Missionary Care
• Matt Jones Bold Hope
• Andrew Jones Bold Hope
• Beth Knapp Wycliffe, Central Africa
• Pam D’Andre Kiev in The Ukraine
• Tim and Evie Conkling China and Southeast Asia
Covenant wants to see America’s cities filled with access to the Gospel of Jesus and to plant good, Gospel-proclaiming churches that represent the beautiful ethnic diversity that Christ envisioned for His Church. Our Aim is to contribute generously toward the planting of diverse churches in some of America’s hardest places by forming a relational alliance of support and encouragement.
• Doug & Angel Logan @ Church in Hard Places, Acts 29
• Ernie & Sarah Grant @ Accelerate Church, Camden, New Jersey
• Joe & Kristy Marlin @ Epiphany Church, Gloucester City, New Jersey
• Rob & Lisa Chifokoyo @ Oceanside, Califorinia
• Issac & Vanessa Ferere @ The Font Church, Fort Lauderdale, Florida
• Raphael & Heidi Mnkandhla @ City Church, Williamsport, Pennsylvania
• Diogo & Bianca Inawashiro @ Christ The King Church, Northeast, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
• John & Kenika Daniels @ The Outpouring Churc, Orlando Florida
God has given us a special compassionate concern for Zimbabwean children who have been orphaned in the
socio-economic crisis of their country, especially because of the AIDS epidemic in Africa. In partnership with indigenous leaders, Covenant is committed to assist and resource a mission of mercy at Domboshava that adopts Zimbabwean orphans into loving, Christian homes where they are safe, fed, clothed, nurtured and discipled.
• Peter and Tsitsi Kanetsa
• Jeph and Kudzi Chifamba
• D-Kids - 17 children at Domboshava Childrens Homes
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