Serving with the gifts, passions, and skills god has given us helps us grow spiritually.


Greeters: Let's continue to make Covenant a hospitable and welcoming environment by being on the front lines on Sunday mornings.


  • Serving Ask: Must be available to serve a minumum of 1 time per month.


Ushers: Help us ensure make accomodations and support the needs of the Worship Service by collecting offering, help with seating, and supporting those who need accomodations. 


  • Serving Ask: Must be available to serve a minumum of 1 time per month.


Café: Support our efforts to embrace people with hospitality by brewing and serving coffee and other consumables with a genuine interest and care for out congregation.


  • Serving Ask: Must be available to serve 1 time per month, able to be on your feet, and carry up to 20lbs.


Get Started:

  • CLICK HERE to contact Mike Flannery for Ushers & Greeters.
  • CLICK HERE to contact Sarah Marchinski for Café.



Description: Covenant’s heart is to build a community to reach a community.



Get Started: CLICK HERE to contact Rob Chifokoyo.


Missions: The good news of God’s grace and forgiveness in Jesus impacts us from the inside out, and moves us in ever-increasing circles of concern for our neighbor, our nation and our world. Our Global Mission works through personal relationships with people who are taking the message and mercy of Jesus beyond the borders of our congregation into other parts of the United States and around the world.


Get Started: CLICK HERE to contact Rob Chifokoyo.


Worship Team: If you have a heart to use your musical gifts on our worship team, contact our leadership.


  • Requirements to Serve: Auditions Required


Production: If you have training in sound, technology, or camera experience, contact us to learn more about serving in our production team on Sunday mornings.

  • Requirements to Serve: Training Sessions Required


Get Started: CLICK HERE to contact Pete Magazzu.


Facilities: This church does not operate without the hands at work behind the scenes. If you have a heart to serve in a physical way and meet the tangible needs of Covenant, we have a way for you to help out!


  • Service Opportunities: Janitorial, vacuuming, mopping, dusting, cleaning glass, groundskeeping help, setup/take down for large events, small painting projects and touchups, small maintenance help, and parking help for Christmas/Easter/Other large events. 


Get Started: CLICK HERE to contact Joe Lanzetta.


Safety Ministry Group: Help us continue to make Covenant a safe evnironment to call home!


  • Requirements to Serve: Must be a member or be in the process of becoming a member, and be at least 18 years old. Background checks, application, and interview are required. Must be currently First Aid, CPR and AED certified for Adult/Child/Infant, or will need to be certified within 6 months after being cleared to serve
  • Serving Ask: Minimum of twice a month

Get Started: CLICK HERE to contact Joe Lanzetta.


Care Team: Help us extend the love and care that those in our congregation and community need when they are going through seasons of life that require a little extra care and support.


  • Serving Opportunities: Meals & Soup Ministries, and helping with specific needs such as; Rides to appointments, clothing drives, care baskets, yard work, elderly care, financial assistance planning and organization.


Get Started:

Prayer Team: Our Prayer Team intercedes on behalf of people in our congregation, community, and even our planns and programming on Sunday mornings and throughout the week. 


  • Serving Opportunities: Weekly prayer needs and Sunday morning Prayer Room.


Get Started:


Children's Ministry: Do you feel a call to serve with children? Our leaders desire to walk alongside young children (birth - 5th grade) and teach them about Jesus. 


  • Serving Opportunities: 

• SHAPE: A midweek ministry that meets on Wednesday nights (weekly or 2x month) 

• Sunday Mornings Children's Ministry: teachers, helpers, greeters, worship/teach team, buddies that serve our special needs students, clean up/tear down. 

• Mid-Week Help: Set Up/Tear Down  Anyone with the gift of administration or a heart to facilitate room coordination and organization of supplies. 


• MOPS, Discovering Covenant, various bible studies throughout the week 


  • Requirements to Serve: Background checks required, teachers must be members or in the process of becoming a member, brief interview and training required.


Get Started: CLICK HERE to contact Lisa Chifokoyo


Covenant Students: Do you have a great for middle school and highschool students? Our leaders walk along students (6th - 12th grade) and help them grow in their individual walk with Christ.


  • Serving Opportunities: 

• Student Small Group Leader: Weekly commitment (5:30 - 8:15pm every Sunday)

• Join our set-up team: 4:30 - 5:30pm to set up CS 

• Snack Team: One time or occasional commitment to supply snacks for about 100 students for either a Sunday gathering or a CS event


  • Requirements to Serve: Background checks required, must be a member.


Get Stared: CLICK HERE to contact Kelly Columbia


Young Adults: As a community of young adults (age 18-30), our desire is to know Jesus, make Him known, and help others do the same. 


  • Serving Opportunities: If you desire to walk alongside Young Adults in any capacity, reach out to our leadership team. 


  • Requirements to Serve: To serve as a young adult you must be between the ages of 18 - 30. To serve as a young adult mentor you must be a member


Get Started: CLICK HERE to contact Josh bundy


Adult Ministries: Covenant’s heart is for people to grow in a Christ-centered community.  Our primary ministry strategy to help people grow and connect is through our Community Groups

  • Serving Opportunities:
    • Growth Group Leader ( Collossians/Merge/Addictions Ministry, etc )

    • Community Group Leader ( Mens, Womens, Mixed Adults, Moms, Young Adults).

  • Requirements to Serve: Must be a member or in the process of becoming a member, must be a believer, and be willing to go through a brief interview, and be part of our ongoing training community. 

Men's Ministry:

  • Serving Opportunities:  Men’s events serving opportunities are always offered on the registration form for that event. 


Women's Ministry: 

  • Serving Opportunities: Event Planning, Shopping, set up and tear down, greeting.

Get Started: